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PSYM 2015

Vakioehdot paketeille ja lavoille

Standard terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 1/7-2024

Service terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 1/7-2024


Changes for the terms and conditions from 1/7-2024

  • Extended maximum height for Business Pallet to 200 cm (previously 180 cm)


PSYM 2015

Vakioehdot paketeille ja lavoille

Standard terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 1/7-2024

Service terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 1/7-2024


Changes for the terms and conditions from 1/7-2024

  • Adjusted retention time for B2C Finland to 7 days
  • Extended maximum weight for Home Delivery Parcel (349) to Finland to 35 kg (previously 25 kg)


Pakettilähetykset yksityishenkilöille - PickUp Parcel

Yksityishenkilöiden pakettipalautukset - PickUp Parcel Return